Comments on: Sustainable Development Wed, 02 Mar 2022 15:05:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: admin Wed, 02 Mar 2022 15:05:52 +0000 In reply to Mr. J. Way.

Hello, thanks for your query. The NDP does not allocate further land for housing apart from some very small sites in the rural area.

However, the Cornwall Council Local Plan Site Allocations Development Plan Document [DPD] has allocated land for housing at Broadmoor Farm and North Pill, on the basis that sufficient physical and social infrastructure exists or will be provided to meet the need of the population of those allocations.

Many people mentioned the issue of supporting services when the NDP was being consulted on, so in response the NDP has included a section on supporting sustainable neighbourhoods (Section 7) which supports new and refurbished neighbourhood shops and facilities, and a section [13] on meeting changing demand for health, education, community and emergency services and facilities. This section has policies supporting the provision of new schools, protecting and enhancing the facilities at Warfelton, supporting the regeneration and enhancement of local GP surgeries, community health and social care services, and other important community facilities. There is also a section [14] of the NDP which encourages the enhancement and improvement of key strategic recreation sites around the town.

I hope this explanation is reassuring.

By: Mr. J. Way Thu, 17 Feb 2022 17:33:06 +0000 As Saltash no longer has a real Police Station or police presence, Its schools are over subscribed, there are no proper GP services being offered by either surgery and a drastically reduced dental service, what provisions are in the report that limit any further housing development until these issues are addressed?
I am greatly concerned that our town doesn’t simply rush ahead without proper services. I can only hope that no further home building is permitted until we at the very least have proper doctor surgeries that open to the public, a new, bigger dental practice and perhaps new schools and a town Policeman.

By: admin Thu, 17 Feb 2022 11:01:07 +0000 In reply to Mrs T Jewitt.

Thank you for your comment. Considerable effort was put in to consultation on the Plan at several stages in its process, including the delivery of leaflets to most homes and businesses. You can see full details of this in the Consultation Statement on this website at

Another leaflet explaining the plan and summarising its contents is planned to be delivered over the couple of weeks before the Referendum. I will pass on your comment to the Town Council for its attention. Thank you.

By: Mrs T Jewitt Thu, 17 Feb 2022 10:39:44 +0000 Our family have not received any information regards this for many years we do not get the paper and have seen only 1 post recently regarding this vote. As it is so important for the community of Saltash we feel leaflets should have been sent to each property to ensure that they have all the information they need to make an informed choice. I do not believe that many of the town will turn up to vote because they do not know about this.
