Saltash Neighourhood Plan Referendum Result: 92.5% say YES.

Cornwall Council has announced that the Referendum on whether the Saltash Neighbourhood Development Plan should be used to decide planning applications is to be held on 17th March 2022.
This will be your chance to vote for or against the use in planning decisions of a Plan that has been drawn up by the local community.
Cornwall Council will be issuing voting slips to all registered electors in Saltash in the next couple of weeks. Watch out for them!
We will publish more details soon.
The SEA Screening for the Saltash NDP is here: SEA and HRA Screening Opinion Report
Drop in events where you can find out more about the draft Neighbourhood Plan have been arranged for the following dates, places and times.
Tea, coffee, biscuits etc available.
As well as being in conformity with the NPPF and the Cornwall Local Plan, the Saltash Neighbourhood Development Plan policies established to tackle the issues of local concern, must be based on local evidence. This means that the available evidence needs to be analysed carefully and drawn upon to design and explain the intention and rationale of the policies in the Draft Neighbour-hood Plan.
There are two main sources for this evidence – the various statistics available from local and national organisations that tell us something about the conditions in the area, and the results of the comprehensive community engagement activity that tell us of local community aspirations.
Section 3 of the Saltash Neighbourhood Development Plan document summarises all the evidence. The sources of this evidence are given in the document below: